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Generating 2D drawings

When your model cannot be printed or milled directly by a machine, for example it is too big (a building) or it requires manual assembly after the pieces are ready, you will usually need to explain to another person how things fit together. In technical fields (engineering, architecture, etc), this is usually done with drawings, that are handed over to someone else explaining the designer’s vision.

Typical examples are Ikea build instructions, architectural drawings or blueprints. These drawings usually contain not only the drawing itself, but also many annotations, such as texts, dimensions, numbers, symbols that will help others to understand what needs to be done and how.

In FreeCAD, the workbench responsible for making such drawings is the TechDraw Workbench.

The TechDraw Workbench allows you to create sheets, which use a pre-made template containing pre-drawn items on the sheet, such as borders and title block. On these sheets, you can then place views of the 3D objects you modeled previously, and configure how these views must appear on the sheet. Finally, you can also place all kinds of annotations on the sheet, such as dimensions, texts, hatch patterns, and other usual symbols commonly used in technical drawings.

Drawing sheets, once complete, can be printed or exported as SVG, PDF or DXF files.

In the following exercise, we will see how to create a simple drawing of a chair model that you can download from the FreeeCAD parts library or via the link at the bottom of this page. We will create a PDF document like this:

the drawing exercise

the Parts library

the first projection

the three views

We will now place dimensions and indications on our drawing. There are two ways to add dimensions to a model, one is placing the dimensions inside the 3D model, using the icon Dimension tool of the Draft Workbench, and then place a view of these dimensions on our sheet with the icon Draft View tool (which can be used with a single dimension or a group containing dimensions), or we can do things directly on the Drawing sheet, using the Drawing Dimensioning Workbench, which is available from the FreeCAD addons. We will use this latter method, remembering that dimensions will not update should the model be modified.

the green nodes

the first dimension

the last dimensions

Our page can now be exported to SVG to be worked further in graphical applications like inkscape, or to DXF by selecting menu File → Export. The Drawing Dimensioning workbench also features its own DXF export tool, which also supports the annotations added with that workbench. The DXF format is importable in almost all existing 2D CAD applications. Drawing pages can also be directly printed or exported to PDF.


Scripting with 2D Drawings To script with 2D drawings can be a challenging process. For the moment we will discuss this with the 0.16 version of FreeCAD. In general, you can only place one part onto the sheet, so you will need to recursively compound your various parts into 1 part. The second difficulty in producing automated drawings is in the placement of the views. In general there is a way to dump SVG of 1 view, but not of all the views at once. As such, you need to selectively dump the SVG of the views you are after, and then place them onto the SVG of the drawing sheet with SVG methods.

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