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Preparing models for 3D printing

One of the main uses of FreeCAD is to produce real-world objects. These can be designed in FreeCAD, and then made real by different ways, such as communicated to other people who will then build them, or, more and more frequently, sent directly to a 3D printer or a CNC mill. This chapter will show you how to get your models ready to send to these machines.

If you have been cautious while modeling, most of the difficulty you might encounter when printing your model in 3D has already been avoided. This involves basically:

Below, we will assume that the first two criteria are met, and that by now you are able to produce solid objects with correct dimensions. We will now see how to address the third point.

Exporting to slicers

This is the technique most commonly used for 3D printing. The 3D object is exported to another program (the slicer) which will generate the G-code from the object, by slicing it into thin layers (hence the name.) The G-code is generated for each 2D slice and when all the 2D slices are added together totals the desired 3D object. Since many of those printers are home-built, there are often small differences from one to the other. The slicer programs usually offer advanced configuration possibilities that allow tweaking the output exactly for the particularities of your 3D printer.

Actual 3D printing, however, is a too vast subject for this manual. But we will see how to export and use these slicers to check that the output is correct.

Converting objects to meshes

None of the slicers will, at this date, take solid geometry as we produce in FreeCAD as input. So we will need to convert any object we want to 3D print into a mesh first, which the slicer can open. Fortunately, converting a solid to a mesh, is very straightforward. However the additional step will introduce some inaccuracies with the original model. We need to check that the accuracy degradation stays within acceptable limits.

All the mesh handling, in FreeCAD, is done by another specific workbench, the Mesh Workbench. This workbench contains, the tools that convert between Part and Mesh objects, several utilities meant to analyze and repair meshes. Although working with meshes is not the focus of FreeCAD, when working with 3D modeling, you often need to deal with mesh objects, since their use is very widespread among other applications. This workbench allows you to handle them fully in FreeCAD.

the meshing options

meshing differences

In most cases, though, the default values will give a satisfying result.

If you don’t own a 3D printer, it is usually very easy to find commercial services that will print and send you the printed objects by mail. Among the famous ones are Shapeways and Sculpteo, but you will also usually find many others in your own city. In all major cities, you will also nowadays find Fab labs, which are workshops equipped with a range of 3D manufacturing machines, almost always including at least one 3D printer. Fab labs are usually community spaces, that will let you use their machines, for a fee or for free depending on the Fab lab, but also teach you how to use them, and promote other activities around 3D manufacturing.

Using Slic3r

Slic3r is an application that converts STL objects into G-code that can be sent directly to 3D printers. Like FreeCAD, it is free, open-source and runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Correctly configuring things for 3D printing is a complicated process, where you must have a good knowledge of your 3D printer, so it is not very useful to generate G-code before actually going to print (your G-code file might not work well on another printer), but it is useful for us, to check that our STL file will be printable without problems.

This is our exported STL file opened in Slic3r. By using the preview tab, and moving the right slider, we can visualize the path that the 3D printer head will follow to construct our object.

the lego brick in slic3r

Using the Cura addon

Cura is another free and open-source slicer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, maintained by the 3D printer maker Ultimaker. Some FreeCAD users have created a Cura Workbench that uses Cura internally. The Cura Workbench is available from the FreeCAD addons repository. To use the Cura Workbench, you also need to install Cura itself, which is not included in the workbench.

Once you have installed both Cura and the Cura Workbench, you will be able to use it to produce the G-code file directly from Part objects, without the need to convert them to meshes, and without the need to open an external application. Producing another G-code file from our Lego brick, using the Cura Workbench this time, is done as follows:

the cura setup

Generating G-code

FreeCAD also offers more advanced ways to generate G-code directly. This is often much more complicated than using automatic tools as we saw above, but has the advantage to let you fully control the output. This is usually not needed when using 3D printers, but becomes very important when dealing with CNC milling, as the machines are much more complex.

G-code path generation in FreeCAD is done with the Path Workbench. It features tools that generate full machine paths and others that generate only parts of a G-code project, that can be assembled to form a whole milling operation.

Generating CNC milling paths is another subject that is much too vast to fit in this manual, so we are going to show how to build a simple Path project, without caring much about most of the details of real CNC machining.

the first loop

the first array

the face pocket

the two operations

There are many applications available to simulate the real cutting, one of them that is also multi-platform and open-source, like FreeCAD, is Camotics.


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